Our GBE Biblical Business Groups association aims to:
- make Christians understand the importance of sharing the Gospel on the workplace
- help them create exchange and biblical teaching groups
- foster existing groups
- train Christians to share the Gospel to colleagues.
The working life is submitted to disputes, fear and pressure , but also to opportunities to developing friendship and Gospel sharing, even if the labour world and faith could be considered sometimes as exclusive.
Biblical groups bring people together around biblical truth and stay open to different interpretation, literal or non literal interpretation. Thus they give the opportunity to colleagues to discover the message of Jesus Christ.
The field of mission in the labour context is large and varied. The methodology choice is left to the discretion of each group, according to each situation.
Among all forms of evangelism, biblical groups promote the sharing and discovery of the Bible. The proclamation of the Gospel involves a great deal of teaching, discussion, and even controversy. Biblical groups meet these different requirements. We offer training to better share the Gospel.
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